Believing in Mental Health

We deliver training and clinical support to educational and community settings to open up access to early help. Creating mentally healthy environments that have sustainable impact.

Trauma Informed Services

Train to deliver trauma informed interventions

Trauma Informed Training

Parents affected by domestic abuse

Clinical Supervision for front line practitioners

AI Tech Solution For Victims To Access Help

Trauma Informed Systemic Change

Mental Health Services in Schools

Senior Mental Health Leads Training

Software for Mental Health Leads

Education Mental Health Hub

Our Partners

Impact at Innovating Minds

1000+ trained
National reach
£19.62 for every £1 invested
Reduced school exclusions
Improved mental health


Students are less anxious and are somewhat keener to work with and talk with staff particularly when there is an issue. The severity of student behaviour incidents has decreased. The school does not fix term exclude unless in exceptional circumstances, we are not seeing the same incidences in which we have excluded in the past anyway.

Laurie Cornwell - Executive Head teacher

The course gave me the confidence to talk to a girl who is very depressed. She is now on antidepressants and she is now using a self-evaluation questionnaire every week that helps her monitor how she is coping. It has made it much easier to be upfront and talk to people, rather than waiting for them to open up.

Cathy Taylor - Head teacher, Red Balloon Learner Centre

My daughter has got a lot of confidence and support coming to this group. The things she is learning is priceless and will help her develop good relationships in the future. She has gained confidence and understanding and is coming to terms with what happened in her past.

Mother - Daughter attended the Healing Together programme

The sessions have focused my thoughts and feelings in situations, and how I respond to them. It has enabled me to find helpful ways to communicate and express my emotions or concerns. As a result, I don’t feel as depressed and have significantly decreased my self-harming. I am now having a lot more positive, than negative, emotions and have a much more positive outlook on life.

Courtney - ‘Building Better Opportunities Progress’ participant

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